Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Headed to a new home!
Just heard from the Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod that my piece, "Well Played With, Parts Missing" sold during the opening reception. Wish I could have been there to meet the buyer, it always makes you feel great when someone selects your piece to take home with them from such a strong show.
I am very honored.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Finished Image

Here is the finished image of "The Countessa", overall I am very happy with the
way this piece turned out. I concentrated on keeping the strokes light and not
overworking any area. I think it has a nice feel to it, and will be debuted at
Other Worlds Gallery
this Friday, stop by and see the Countessa in person.

And Now, For Something Completely Different

I haven't done a figurative piece in quite a while and have never posted on here.
so, here goes, these are sequential shots showing the process of how I work.

The piece is called "The Contessa", it is 7 x 5 and will be headed to Other Worlds Gallery once it is framed and ready for display.
I will post the finished image later today, hope  you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Couple of New Pastels

Time for a couple of updates

Here are a couple of new pastels

This one is titled "Space Port" which shows a couple of vintage rockets with some
images from an animated favorite of mine "Futurama"
I've reworked this one a couple of times and still aren't sure if I like it.

This one is literally "just off the easel", it shows a shelf in my studio where my still life items live.
Thinking of calling this one "The Usual Suspects" or "The Cast"
What do you think?